
Make today count

Take today & make it yours. Live a life that makes YOU happy. Don’t 2nd guess just live & love.

It’s so easy, with all that’s been going on in the world, to forget to live. You have to live in the moment and not take a second for granted.

Make something of your day. Tell those you love, you do. Tell those you forgive, you do. Tell those you miss, you do.

The day is yours. Take it. Run with it. Make it something. Tell a story. Live it loud. Live it right.

Do right by yourself.

If you don’t like something, fix it.

If you want to do something, do it.

Don’t complain about things you have control over.

Take a chance.

Make a change.


LoVE your life.


Put your troubles down

Life has its way of trying you.

Love has its way of testing you.

Doubt has its way to creeping into your dreams.

For those people in my life that are always there, I am grateful.

For the days, I wake up, I am grateful.

There is good in the world. Don’t let darkness overshadow the good.

Put your troubles down.


The High Road

Quite honestly I think in today’s world it’s quickly becoming the road less travelled.

I just don’t know what’s going on sometimes … but in all honesty my BS meter is full. So feel free to put your 2 cents in a different meter. 😉  KIDDING…. JUST KIDDING.  Although there are days I feel as though that is the truth…

From people bashing each other because of differing beliefs … to blatant lies & partial truths… to individuals boasting & bragging incessantly… when is it going to end? Continue reading

Teaching an old dog new tricks

It really can happen.  It isn’t always all that difficult either.

Sometimes it just takes a forceful push out of one’s comfort zone  directly into new territory that does the trick.

Seriously … you really can teach an old dog new tricks. The proof is in the pudding and I’m the pudding!

Continue reading

In need of a bubble… pronto.

I’ve decided it’s an absolute necessity that I investigate the possibility of acquiring a bubble. I seriously need to do some research.

Between unruly kidneys, pains, headaches… and my own 2 left feet; a protective bubble sounds all the more inviting.

I brought in the new year with a bang… kidney stones the size of boulders. Uretoroscopy, lithotripsy, a stent. A literal pain in the $#%&. ( well more like pain in the back and hoo hoo 😉  )  Since then I’ve had to do a couple of collections.   Continue reading