Tiny Tunes


When you were a teeny, tiny little one did you have any favorite tunes?

A song that you remember singing all the time?

Or a particular song sung to you by someone?

Today as I spent time with my 3 youngest nephews I got to thinking about this…

You all know just how much I love music. I grew up with it.

Listening to all sorts of oldies in addition toΒ  Fleetwood Mac, Journey, The Beatles, U2, Christopher Cross, CCR, Simon & Garfunkel, Whitney Houston, Depeche Mode, Taylor Dane and loads more. Listening to mom’s records and both mom & dad’s tapes … owning my own tapes & CDs …now my music library chalked full with digital files that is ever growing.

As a kid I was sung to all the time. From itsy bitsy spider in the bath as a wee little one at home to begging my Aunt Sue to sing Puff the Magic Dragon 50 million times when we’d visit. Music was always there and very much loved.

With my 3 youngest nephews I find myself singing to them A LOT! To soothe them when they’re upset and to spark giggles and smiles at any given time.

B. Shane’s favorites sung by all of us were You Are My Sunshine and the ABCs. Not to mention all the songs from Thomas the Tank Engine & the Wiggles… we’d do motions, and dance and just be silly. Though now,Β  at age 10 he’d be quick to deny any and all of these ever occurred! πŸ˜‰ His current favorites are now The Beatles,Β  Linkin Park & Green Day plus anything he can play on his guitar!

Here’s my favorite version of You Are My Sunshine

P. Dub is absolutely hysterical when music comes on. At the young age of 14 months old he already has quite an eclectic taste in tunes. From Twinkle,Β  Twinkle Little Star he has moved on to Green Day and If You’re Happy & You Know It. Yes, that is correct…. Green Day. B. Shane puts it on and P. Dub goes bonkers dancing along. It’s the cutest thing ever!!! If my laptop was up and running I’d share a video of this sweetness… grrr! Another favorite he demands his “gamma” sing again & again is Row, Row, Row Your Boat.

As for the newest, almost 2 month old nephew, J-Man… who knows what his favorite will be… we shall have to wait & see.

Little bro and I have already discussed staging a music intervention on the boys if they only end up listening to top 40, Pop, R&B & rap! According to little sis, Extreme’s “More Than Words” is a hippie song, so we may have our work cut out for ourselves! πŸ™‚

In my opinion AND experience, exposing a child to music is just as important as reading. Music allows children to express themselves in ways they may not yet be able to communicate verbally… it has the power to teach (as made evident in my classrooms over the years)… it allows for creativity & independence.

From tiny tunes for toddlers to classical to contemporary to iconic artists spanning across the decades, music is a language of its very own.

What songs do you remember from your childhood?Β  What music/artist have you carried with you through the years from your childhood?

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10 thoughts on “Tiny Tunes

  1. Nursery rhymes played a huge role and expanded from there for me… We love music in my home and while our tastes vary widely, music is appreciated by all πŸ™‚

    • So many heartwarming memories of that song growing up myself. My grandma used to sing it to us when we were little then we sang it to her in return when she became ill & unable to communicate.

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